Kevin Pfeiffer a dedicated Medical student Data Scientist Doctoral candidate

An enthusiastic medical student and data scientist passionate about deep-tech innovation in healthcare that leads to a more effective, efficient and fairer healthcare system.

About Me

Medical Student with a keen interest in new technologies

Hey, I'm Kevin, a motivated medical student at TUD Dresden University of Technology with a passion for medicine especially oncology and deep technology. I am currently working as a doctoral candidate in a clinical AI research group, where we are exploring the use of deep learning techniques to identify clinically relevant markers from oncological image data.





Data-driven medicine

I am interested in the future of data-driven medicine. Especially for the use of artificial intelligence in everyday clinical practice.

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Confident with Machine Learning

I have several years of experience with Python programming and the application of machine learning algorithms with well-known data science libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas or PyTorch.

Python Logo
NumPy Logo
Pandas Logo
Pytorch Logo
Tensorflow Logo
Plotly Logo

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Ready for the digital future

I’am passionate about solving problems through technological approaches.

Curriculum vitae

If you are interested in my professional development and personal qualifications, I invite you to take a look at my CV. There you will find a comprehensive career path.

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If you would like to gain more in-depth insights into the convergence of medicine, oncology, data science and artificial intelligence, please search for a suitable article in my blog.

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If you have any enquiries about potential collaboration, questions about my career or feedback on publications, please feel free to contact me via my contact form.

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Let's digitize healthcare together

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